Pin Code

Andaman and Nicobar Islands Pin Code

The postal index number of Andaman and Nicobar Islands ranges from 744101 to 744304, allocated to 102 post offices and locations situated in 3 districts. In order to view pin code of Andaman and Nicobar Islands based location, please click on its district from the following list.

District Total Post Offices Starting Pincode Ending Pincode State
Nicobar 19 744301 744304 Andaman and Nicobar Islands
North And Middle Andaman 34 744201 744210 Andaman and Nicobar Islands
South Andaman 49 744101 744211 Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Area-wise Andaman and Nicobar Islands Postal Codes List

Following is the list of area-wise pincode of Andaman and Nicobar Islands based locations. In order to view the pin code of area not mentioned below, please select its district from the above.

Area Pin Code
Wimberlygunj 744206
Wandoor 744103
Uttara 744209
Tugapur 744204
Teressa 744303
Swarajgram 744202
Stewertgunj 744107
Sitapur 744104
Sippighat 744105
Shadipur 744106
School Line 744103
Sankarnalla 744210
Rutland 744105
Rangat 744205
Ramnagar 744202
Radio Colony 744102
Pudumadurai 744204
Pitchernalla 744201
Peal Island 744211
Parnasala 744205
Oralkatcha 744210
Nimbutala 744205
Netajinagar 744207
Nehrugram 744304
Nancowrie 744303
Mus 744301
Miletilak 744206
Mayabander 744204
Marine Jetty 744101
Little Nicobar 744302
Lapathy 744301
Kishorinagar 744202
Kapanga 744304
Kalighat 744202
Kakana 744301
Junglighat 744103
Hut Bay 744207
Herbertabad 744103
Havelock Bazar 744211
Haddo 744102
Garacharama 744105
Dundas Point 744206
Delanipur 744102
Chouldari 744103
Champin 744303
Carnicobar 744301
Calicut 744105
Bimbiton 744105
Beodnabad 744105
Bambooflat 744107
Aerial Bay 744202

Last Modified on: 11 October 2023