Pin Code

Meghalaya Pin Code

The postal index number of Meghalaya ranges from 783123 to 794115, allocated to 469 post offices and locations situated in 7 districts. In order to view pin code of Meghalaya based location, please click on its district from the following list.

District Total Post Offices Starting Pincode Ending Pincode State
East Garo Hills 32 783123 794111 Meghalaya
East Khasi Hills 130 793001 793121 Meghalaya
Jaintia Hills 78 793109 793210 Meghalaya
Ri Bhoi 38 793101 793123 Meghalaya
South Garo Hills 12 794102 794114 Meghalaya
West Garo Hills 105 794001 794115 Meghalaya
West Khasi Hills 81 793106 793121 Meghalaya

Area-wise Meghalaya Postal Codes List

Following is the list of area-wise pincode of Meghalaya based locations. In order to view the pin code of area not mentioned below, please select its district from the above.

Area Pin Code
Zekabari 794105
Yalang 793150
Weiloi 793121
Warimagiri 794114
Wahshiarkhmut 793110
Wahkdait 793109
Wahiajer 793151
Upper Shillong 793005
Umthlong 793120
Umsohpieng 793119
Umsning 793105
Umshakhon Mathon 793102
Umsaw 793123
Umrit 793102
Umpung 793106
Umniuh Tmar 793110
Umktieh 793103
Umkiang 793200
Umjarain 793114
Umdohlun 793119
Umden 793102
Tyrsad 793121
Tynrong 793111
Tura 794001
Trangpleng 793106
Tihnongbah 793120
Thyllaw 793113
Thangsning 793015
Thangpylleng Pyndemkseh 793119
Thadmuthlong 793150
Teporpara 794105
Tamul Kuchi Gaon 793101
Syndai 793109
Sumer 793104
Songsak 794111
Sonapur 793200
Sohpian 793121
Sohkymphor 793160
Sohkha 793109
Sohiong 793121
Sngimawlein 793114
Silkhigiri 794103
Sibbari 794103
Shnongrim 793200
Shella 793112
Shangpung 793150
Shallang 793119
Seinduli Bazar 793119
Sarin 793106
Samanda 794111
Sakhadongiri 794111
Saipung 793200
Sahsniang 793150
Rynjah 793006
Ryngibah 793015
Rongsakhona 794105
Rongrong 794108
Rongram 794002
Rongmil 794110
Rongmatchokgiri 794104
Rongkhon 794002
Rongchek Akhong 794110
Ronga Agal 794110
Rombagiri 794111
Rilbong 793004
Resubelpara 794108
Raribazar 794002
Rangthong 793114
Rangmaw 793114
Ramdait 793111
Raliang 793150
Rajabala 794104
Pynursla 793110
Pyndeng Sohsaw 793106
Puriang 793021
Puksora 793106
Pongkung 793121
Phudjaud 793114
Phlangwanbroi 793113
Phlang Mawsyrpat 793113
Pedaldoba 794109
Pariong 793120
Pamshutia 793109
Pam Briew 793119
Paham 794104
Okkapara 794105
Nongumlong 793005
Nongtyngur 793109
Nongthymmai 793014
Nongtalang 793109

Last Modified on: 11 October 2023